Cidade cheia de histórias para contar
A vibrante cidade de Lisboa tem muito para o surpreender. Explore o melhor de Lisboa - arquitetura, arte, história, cores, cultura, comida saborosa, você pode encontrar tudo isso na cidade de Lisboa. Já foi a capital do império português, hoje é considerada uma das capitais mais acessíveis da Europa. Experimente o bairro mais pitoresco da capital portuguesa e a vida noturna animada com O papagaio ambulante.
Customer Reviews
Ceaser (our guide) was excellent and the food was amazing. We would not have found some of the places to eat without the tour and that is exactly why it was so good.
Great Experience
This was a well organized outing. It was fun to try different food, be led by a local and people meet from different countries.
Greaty fun and tasty too!
Meryl B
Very enjoyable experience!! Lots of beautiful food and an overall amazing time. It was incredible to try a totally different cuisine. We felt very engaged and the conversation was lovely. 5 out of 5!!!
An enjoyable evening